Its all about the motive of the heart!

Sibling rivalry is motivated by your children’s need for your attention, time, or resources. It is the natural God-given motivation for survival which every human is born with.

Sibling bullying-abuse has a different motive. It is the fallen (hell-inspired) motivation to steal, kill, and destroy… which EVERY human is also born with.

Whenever a child expresses the desire to harm, hurt, intimidate, provoke, antagonize, instigate, insult, degrade, betray, humiliate, manipulate, intimidate, or create fear, it is UNNATURAL to their God-intended design.

Bully-behavior comes from the fallen (EMPTY) heart.

Sibling relationships are all about the motive of the heart. Your parenting also follows the same trend.

Your relational decisions can be motivated by your God-inspired heart of love; OR your decisions can be driven by the emptiness (neediness) which tries to fill your stolen heart disconnected from the only true source of love… God Himself.


Hidden abuse: All in plain sight


Are you willing to uncover the SECRET things hurting your children?