build up…

or tear doWN?

Prevent aggression in your children…

Build up your marriage

keeping covenant podcast…

Marriage is covenant. Blood is shed in our unity. New life is created. Our bodies are designed to bond for life. Hormones are released to make this work.

Our hearts urge us to fulfill the eternal desire for love. Only one message can help us accomplish the ultimate noble task of “for better or worse…”

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Why does your spouse seem to be attacking your marriage? 

6 signs your spouse may be a hidden survivor of sibling abuse:

  1. There is a seeming breakdown of trust between you but you don’t know why.

  2. Your character is under attack, but there is no rationale reason for the accusations.

  3. Your spouse seems unable to trust anyone or anything.

  4. It’s hard to do simple things like go to family functions, church or the grocery store without your spouse being “triggered” by someone or something.

  5. Your spouse does random seemingly inane things like looking behind shower curtains, double-checking door locks, or checking rooms in your home for unknown threats.

  6. Your spouse is “triggered” into anger over things that seem incredibly random.

You aren’t fighting your spouse

you are in a war with an abusive spirit that wants to destroy every relationship attached to your spouse.

Your spouse isn’t the problem… the sibling abuse she/he suffered in childhood is the problem. 

Your spouse was conditioned by the abusive spirit to give up…

Your spouse was manipulated by the abusive spirit to distrust…

Your spouse was tricked into rejecting healthy attachments…


Complex-PTSD burdens relationships... 

You likely make only one vow in life… and it isn’t with your parents, your employer, your friends, or your children… it is with your spouse.

If your spouse has suffered from sibling abuse, you really need to become their advocate… for better or worse, sickness or health.

Take it most seriously, and your children will be eternally grateful.

We lived together as separate people for eight years... no one from the outside knew what was going on.
— Pastor Dan Mohler

More indicators your spouse may have suffered sibling abuse:

  1. Your spouse does not like being photographed.

  2. Your spouse is jumpy at noises or hypervigilant.

  3. Your spouse has intense inordinate fears (heights, claustrophobia, darkness…).

  4. Your spouse has a hard time speaking up for themselves or setting boundaries with people.

  5. Your spouse wants you to give up on them or urge you to leave them.

  6. Your spouse hates being around gossipy people or gatherings.

  7. Your spouse’s siblings (and/or their spouses) subtly harass, make jokes about, criticize, or manipulate them.

  8. Your spouse is over-attached or codependent with siblings.

  9. Your spouse has suicidal ideation.

  10. Even if something was an accident (e.g. getting cut-off by another driver), your spouse strongly reacts as if it was a personal attack.

  11. Your spouse feels rage toward antagonistic people (even if they’re complete strangers).

  12. Your spouse exhibits low-level or undiagnosed autistic traits.

  13. Your spouse has very low energy or fatigue on a daily basis… or can only schedule minimal activities in their week.