it’s Your time to HeaL.

There’s hope for you!

Childhood trauma caused by sibling abuse is a big deal. 

The effects of this trauma carry into adulthood.

Mental/emotional struggles with relationships, family, and work are only part of the toll.

The physical health effects can also shorten your lifespan.

But you can begin to find victory when you allow yourself to heal.

What’s wrong with me?

Child abuse survivors—especially ones who don’t understand what happened to them—ask this question a lot: 

“Is there something wrong with me?”

If you’ve suffered sibling abuse, there may be something very different about your brain compared to a “normal” brain.

Sibling abuse suffered during your brain’s formative years (birth up to age 7) can cause severe brain trauma. 

The brain helps manage your entire body including energy levels, sleep patterns/ability, appetite, digestion, blood pressure, internal organs, immune system and more.

Childhood abuse trauma has tangible impacts on the mind and body

Survivors feel the effects of this every day.


We’ll look at common questions and feelings that try to keep you from knowing the truth that can heal your mind.

We’ll also tackle the lies so you can replace them with Truth one-by-one… to help lead you into all Truth.


  • In our earliest years our brains are formed and wired in response to the relationships we have with those closest to us. 

    The size of certain areas of the brain will change due to those positive or negative interactions with immediate family and/or caregivers. 

    Stress levels and interactions we observe among parents/caregivers also factor into our brain's development.

  • The area of the brain which manages our “fight or flight” reactions becomes over-developed due to frequent traumatic events, such as bullying, violence, or sexual abuse.

    Our brains are wired to protect ourselves from these emotional/physical traumatic events

    Our brain has to create a way to process every negative interaction with another person including violence, abandonment, rejection, mocking, ignoring, isolating, or trickery. 

    These protective brain processes can be called different names by doctors. 

    Some names include adjustment disorder, attachment disorder, trauma exposure response disorder, or traumatic stress disorders.

  • Brain-related wounds can be the toughest to heal because they affect your mind. 

    Your mind defines how you see and process everything. 

    The dictionary definition of the mind is “the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought…”

    Other functions of the mind include perception, sensation, feeling, mood, motivation, behavior, memory and learning.

    Your mind determines how you see yourself, how you remember things that happened to you, and how you perceive the world—and the people—around you.

    Every interaction with yourself, with other people, with the environment around you, is processed through your mind.

it’s Your time to HeaL.

The Truth HealS

If you don’t have truth to work with, the trauma you faced in childhood will try to take over your whole identity.

But it doesn’t have to. The spiritual, emotional and relational healing tools are readily available for you to take hold of.

With The Truth, the dramatic and terrible effects of sibling abuse trauma can be reined in, relegated to its proper place, and even completely healed.

Let’s get started together!

tics, triggers, and trauma… Oh my!

Childhood trauma from abuse can really hurt our brains.  The brain manages our conscious thoughts, emotions, pain sensations, and many of our body’s physical functions.

Tics and triggers are the brain’s natural way to deal with and respond to stressful outside stimuli. They’re a result of excessive fight or flight wiring.

Trauma causes the brain to develop these tics and triggers which can sound, look, and feel very strong, painful, negative, strange, or hurtful to ourselves and other people.

Mind matters

However, our mind consists of how we decide to handle our brain's triggers, crazy thoughts, emotions, and negative ways we communicate with ourselves and other people.

Therefore, healing a brain impacted by childhood trauma starts with a change of mind. And a change of mind requires a change of identity.

Healing Starts with Identity

It’s time to allow yourself to be transformed.

It starts with who you see in the mirror. You’re the one worthy of a change.

Your healing starts with the gift of your new identity.

  • The “identity” we’re talking about has nothing to do with driver’s licenses, sexuality, or gender pronouns.

    You will only find a true new identity through The Truth.

    The Truth knows your true identity because you were designed by The Truth before you were born.

    The lying voices in your abused mind will constantly try to tell you who you aren't... or make you wonder who you really are...

    but The Truth can speak louder.

    The Truth is a real trustworthy voice. The Truth has a really kind personality. The Truth wants to live inside you.

    With The Truth, you can start telling your mind how to process the bad thoughts about yourself. You'll also be able to process other people’s words and actions when they interact with you… even if your brain seems to be reacting haphazardly.

  • With The Truth, you give yourself permission to begin changing your identity and your mind.

    The Truth will allow you to begin feeling and thinking well about yourself, your life, and other people.

    The Truth will even give you a “new self” to become. With your “new self” you’ll be able to have a new mind.

    Receiving your new self (new identity) helps you change how you see yourself in your mind. and the things that go through your mind can help your brain to heal.


Your old identity is ruled by your perception, memories, feelings, and beliefs about yourself and the world.

Childhood trauma wants to lock you into an old powerless, voiceless, hopeless identity.

Therefore your new identity must start in your mind—the place where your perceptions, feelings and beliefs are formed.

You can improve your feelings, thoughts, motivations, behaviors, and ultimately your entire life, by changing your mind.

How is this possible?

We start with wisdom from old. Our ancestors followed an ancient Way called The Truth.

They found this Way to Truth by reading ancient scripture. Ancient scripture holds all of The Truth.

One of these ancient scriptures our ancestors followed says you’re able to no longer live in the futility of your mind.

Another ancient scripture says you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Another ancient scripture says you can be renewed in the spirit of your mind.

Another ancient scripture says you can have the mind of Christ (the Ancient of Days, the Anointed One)”.

Another ancient scripture says you can Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus who lived on earth “in the form of God”. 

When you allow yourself to receive the gift of repentance and new life, godlike thoughts about yourself and others will inhabit your new mind! 

Godlike thoughts about your life, your purpose, your identity will come from your NEW MIND when you decide to turn from your old identity.

There is so much hope for good changes in your thinking and feeling.  Yay!

Jesus takes your place podcast

You may feel like your life was stolen from you… but the stronger One wants you to have it back. Find how your Creator can lighten your load and take the burden of abuse trauma off you.

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