silence the lies with the truth

If you're attacked with any of these thoughts, you must replace them with what's ETERNALLY TRUE. Click below to find out what God really believes about you… so you can start to believe it about yourself!

  • Before the foundation of the world was ever established, you mattered to God. 

    Ancient scripture confirms that God chose you to be adopted by Him as His very own daughter or as His very own son.

    It was according to the good pleasure of His will to do this.  You were destined for adoption by the Creator of the universe.

    Why would He choose you?

    Because the invisible God created you to be His visible image in the world. You matter deeply to the Father because He wants to see Himself living in you!

    Your life is so valuable to God that He ransomed you (at the highest price) from your cursed life enslaved to sin and death.

  • Every person is born into this fallen world with a fallen identity.

    Fear, shame, rage, hopelessness, selfishness, unforgiveness, lust, pride, greed... all fallen behaviors and feelings manifest in varying amounts in every person .

    This fallen identity comes from a bad "seed" programmed for death, selfishness, failure, anger, strife...

    Without a new seed, you'll follow the course of this fallen world. You are like everyone else by nature a child of wrath due to evil's fallen seed and its influence over this obviously chaotic world.... not because you don't have value or worth, but because the enemy of your soul stole humanity's godly/pure/holy identity.

    But you can turn from the desires/sins of your fallen identity to The Truth who wants to forgive you, heal you, and give you a Holy Spirit. You are meant to be set apart as a place for the holy presence of God to dwell!

    This gift of repentance was bought through the life and death of Jesus Christ. Your new life over sin/death was won through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

    When you believe this Truth and accept it as a gift, God's grace empowers you to stop your old ways of feeling/thinking/behaving.

    And Holy Spirit will begin to live in and through you to bring New Life into you and into the world around you.

  • Everyone is “messed up” when born into fallen Adam and Eve's lineage.  But you don’t have to stay messed up.  You don’t have to live messed up. 

    Jesus Christ the Son of God is The Truth about your true new identity. His shed blood is the sacrifice that pays for the sins done to you and the sins you did to others. His life lived on earth is the example for your new life.

    Jesus Christ takes your old “messed up” identity to His cross in order for you to be free. 

    Feelings of being “messed up” may still try to plague your mind because Satan wants you driven by your feelings and sensuality. The devil wants to abuse you through other fallen people. He wants you driven to despair and hopelessness.

    When you feel “messed up”, your old mind controlled by the abused/fallen nature wants you to make these bad feeling your god, possess them as your actual nature, and make them your identity. 

    But through repentance, turning away from the old sins/thoughts, you're given a new self with a new mind--the mind of Christ.

    By always believing this Truth, the Son of God who died for you and rose from death gives you victory over messed up thoughts, memories, and sins.

    You've been anointed as a child of God with eternal purpose and value.

    This is why you can feel something very strongly--a feeling put on you by the Enemy of your mind–but still chose to dismiss it and turn from it by believing something about yourself written in the Word of God. 

    Your mind is like J.R.R. Tolkien's “Middle Earth”.  There’s a battle going on there, but the good ending is already written. You are on the Righteous King's winning side, victorious over darkness.

    You are victorious each and every time you RENEW your mind according to The Truth, the Word of God.

  • There was something wrong done to you. You might feel like something is “just not right” about you because of the abuse, bullying and mistreatment you’ve gone through. 

    Unfortunately there is also something fundamentally wrong with the human seed you were born into. And if you chose to stay connected to--and seek for the hidden desires of--that wrong seed sown into the world by Satan, then yes you will continue acting out the lies and feelings connected to the bad program.

    The bad program is written into your mind/heart by a bad programmer whose sole intention is to “steal, kill, and destroy" the light in everything and everyone around you. 

    But there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the "very good" eternal you destined to be loved by God as light from the beginning (Genesis 1:26-31) (Ephesians 1:4-12).

    Before you were created, God had a plan and a purpose for your life.  Your life has infinite meaning and value. 

    The value of your life is the price of what God paid to win you back from the thief of your soul.  To win back (to buy back) is the word “redeem”.  It means you were something important in the beginning (holy, blameless, set apart in light, standing before God in love, destined for adoption)… but because of the loss of God's pure spirit in humanity, you were born into an abusive, chaotic, broken, war-driven, greed-driven world. 

    When you allow God to give you a new spirit by His grace and your belief in this Truth, you are redeemed from the old seed

    When you go under the waters of baptism, the old is washed away and you come up brand new, born again of God this time.  You can be born back into God's original plan and purpose for you to shine as His light in this world.

    Fallen Adam made you a sinner, but Jesus Christ makes you a son or daughter of God

  • You may feel or act different because childhood abuse can cause neurodivergence in your brain's development. 

    God created each person as an original, one-of-a-kind, made-by-hand masterpiece. 

    Are you unique?  Yes.  But are you a freak?  No you’re not a freak-of-nature.  You are purposefully and intentionally hand-crafted (Psalm 139:13-14).

    You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Even if 1,000 people say you’re a freak that is not what God says about you. 

    Your choice is to decide who you want to listen to: the voices of a 1,000 people who did not create you and have no idea what your value or purpose is…

    Or the Voice of God that comes straight from the Heart and Mind of God.

  • God loves everyone.  Not everyone will choose to receive the free gift of His love. 

    If you only intellectually agree that God loves you, it's likely you might not allow yourself to receive His love into your heart.

    Allow His love to enter your heart by praying in thanksgiving for His love toward you like this:

    “God, I believe you sent your Son to die for me. This shows me how much You love me as Your child. You love me, Father. You love me... You love me... You love me... You really love me... thank You loving me Father.”

  • Your abused mind was programmed to distrust everyone.

    But you can learn to trust that true love exists when you see God's love, goodness and mercy for you displayed in the cross of Christ.

    God so LOVED you that He sent His only beloved, cherished precious Son in exchange for your abused rejected life... in order to give you a brand new life in Him. 

    God gave Jesus so He could take all the sins, brokenness, gross-ness, worthlessness off of you and put it on Jesus.

    The Bible says Jesus became a curse for us to remove the curse caused by everyone's abusive sinful behavior (including yours).

    When Jesus takes all the garbage off of you, you see for the first time your Original Created Value.

    Through the sin-removing death of Jesus on the cross, you can finally see who you were always destined to be.  You see yourself clean of all the abuse done to you... and all the rage and envy you've felt toward others. 

    You can have a brand new YOU when you believe Jesus Christ died to turn from the old you. Believe God wants to forgive all your anger, bitterness, envy, resentment, selfishness, pride and instead make you holy and blameless.

    Believe Jesus wants to take all the abuse done against you and put it upon His sacrificed body. 

    Believe it, and you won’t be who you used to be.  You’ll be a “never-before-seen-creature” made for the holy beautiful image of God.

    The way we know LOVE is through The Truth of Jesus' words:

    God so LOVED the whole world that He sent His Son. so that whoever would believe in him would not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

    Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to SAVE, forgive, heal, deliver, set free, make whole the WHOLE WORLD...

    In THIS is LOVE, not that we loved God, but that GOD LOVED US, and sent His Son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins.” (1 John 4:10) 

    God created love and God defines Love, and we can have love freely when we renew our minds to align with The Truth.

  • Your suffering gives you the opportunity to find the deepest truth about your life.

    The Son of God, The Truth, Jesus Christ, was the first to suffer as a redeeming Child of God. The Bible says he was the Firstborn among many children of God.

    The scriptures also say we'll know we are children of God when we suffer with him (Romans 8:17).

    We can joyfully unite our suffering with his by believing we are one with Jesus as agents of redemption and healing on this fallen earth... because "as he is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17).

    Or we can resent our pain and be hateful toward those who hurt us and become agents of inflicting more pain on this earth.

    Actor Jim Carrey summarized our suffering this way...

What or Who is “The Truth”?

The Truth is a real person.  He is not a Manga character, podcast, movie, or tv show.  

The Truth was born and lived in the Middle East from 0 C.E. to 33 C.E. (2000 years ago).  He was born and raised in the Jewish religion. 

His full Jewish/Hebrew spiritual name called by His followers and historians is ישׁוה המשׁיה or YESHUA HAMASHIACH. This name found in Psalm 28:8 means “The LORD their strength, and he the saving strength of his anointed”.

Over the last 2000 years, His name has been transliterated from Hebrew/Aramaic Yeshua (“saving strength”) to Greek as Iesous, to Latin as Iesus, and finally to English as Jesus.

Mashiach (“anointed one”) is transliterated Messiah in English and Cristos (“Christ”) in Greek. Throughout the history of the Jews, God used dozens of different people as mashiachs to carry the presence and authority of the Holy Spirit for the leadership and protection of the people (Leviticus 4:3; 1 Samuel 12:14; 2 Samuel 19:21).

But God promised the whole world (Jews and Gentiles) ONE final Mashiach “Messiah”. In the scriptures, God gave over 300 prophecies about this Anointed One so that everyone could recognize Him when He came (Isaiah 53:1; Psalm 22:27; 10:1–4; Daniel 9:25; 7:13).

The man called Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth (the place of his upbringing) fulfilled every one of these ancient prophesies. Jesus earned the singular title Yeshua HaMaschiach.

Can I trust The Truth was a real person?

There is written historical evidence of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. But some scholars will always want to debate it based on personal bias.

There are many testimonies (click here for one) of extremely intelligent scientists and scholars who’ve investigated and found the truth of the life of Jesus for themselves… or click here for a Pulitzer Prize journalist’s investigation.

Many followers of Jesus became globally widespread through the spread of the Roman Empire and later through the European monarchies. 

Jesus Christ referred to himself as The Truth.

According to His own words recorded in the scriptures (click here), Jesus is the first and only human to be born and live perfectly connected to the love of God through the Holy Spirit.

He saved all humankind by living perfectly united to God, obeying and becoming personified LOVE on earth, then dying by unjust torture, and finally rising from the dead three days later.

Why would anyone want to kill the most loving Being who walked the earth?

Because of jealousy, people listened to Satan who desires to destroy God’s image on earth.

Pride, greed, idolatry, lust for power, and the desire for human praise are the killers of love on earth. These attributes of evil can live as demons/spirits inhabiting fallen humans.

We all have a choice to deny those attributes of evil and choose to be humble and trust God’s goodness—evident in all of the good things in creation.

how can i know The Truth?

Individuals who believe in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the Son of God are considered new creations according to ancient scripture… and countless testimonies of transformed lives shared by people living today.

They literally have a new spirit with the Holy Spirit living inside them. Holy Spirit leads them to become love and light on the earth. 

With Holy Spirit in them, people can read (or hear), understand and be transformed by Jesus through the Words of God in the scriptures.

Jesus inhabits the words of the Bible. His other name literally is “THE WORD OF GOD” (Revelation 19:13).

And Jesus said, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will KNOW THE TRUTH, and the Truth will make you free” (John 8:32).

People with constant love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, generosity, self-control are truly filled with Holy Spirit as believers in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, The Truth.

Why do people believe in Jesus Christ as The Truth?

As new creations reborn into Christ, we can live free from sin and the eternal consequences of sin, death and judgement. 

All people that seek the world’s pleasures and powers, who do not want to repent from their desires to live selfish, greedy, lying, unforgiving, prideful, manipulative (which includes witchcraft), unloving, or lustful lives including sexual conduct outside marriage, will not be able to enter the presence of God’s light.

This is a choice.  It represents the full reality of our human free will.  The Bible says people who don’t want God’s Truth in Jesus Christ will be left without any presence of God’s light or love which only leaves us with pain, resentment, torment, or darkness.  It’s called hell.

does The Truth care about me?

Jesus said “there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for a friend”… and that is exactly what he did for you.

Jesus’ love for YOU is the greatest love in the universe because He died for you so you could live.

“He didn't just open a car door for you, Honey... A man DIED for you! Some of you don’t have a very good impression of men… But this man, Jesus, died for you!” -Dan Mohler

Jesus didn't buy you a box of chocolates and some pink roses. He said YOU were so worth it to painfully give His very life to win you back from the chaos of fallen humanity.

Jesus is humanity's only true definition of love.

But God proves His love for us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us… in this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for sins… see what LOVE the Father has given us that we should be called children of God… and we love because He first loved us.” (Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:10, 3:1, 4:19)

What else did Jesus/Yeshua do when he lived on earth to prove his love for all people?

According to eyewitness reports, he did many miracles of healing, as well as miracles of nature. 

The writers of scripture who walked with Jesus when he was alive on earth reported he “healed all who were sick…”

Read more scriptures explaining God’s desire to save, forgive, and physically heal people here…

Jesus raised several dead people, and he himself was raised from the dead after he was killed by Roman soldiers who whipped, tortured, and crucified him. 

He taught and proclaimed the “Kingdom of Heaven” being near us and within us. 

He was ridiculed by his half siblings (and/or extended family).

He was mocked and abused and rejected by the religious leaders.

He taught all people that the Kingdom of Heaven was available to anyone who would repent (turn from) the fallen desires of this world, believe in him as the True Way to salvation… and freely receive forgiveness, joy, peace and love from God our Father.


Who believes in Jesus Christ as The Truth?

Today true followers of Jesus Christ live in EVERY country in the world.  To follow Christ as Lord has nothing to do with being a member of a certain country or group.

In fact, many believers are persecuted for their faith by other governments (including Western and European countries). Certain extremist followers of other major religions including Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism can be particularly violent toward true followers of Christ.  

Persecution is not the same as the terrorism encountered at 9/11/2001… this isn’t America against Iran or the Taliban or Isis. It isn’t about any single country against another country.

Even certain Christian groups have harmed other Christian groups.

Therefore we repeat: being a true follower of Jesus Christ has nothing to do with being part of a certain nation, group or cultural affiliation.

Who The Truth isn’t

Unfortunately many false followers (in name only) were false believers because they misrepresented Jesus’ teachings and promoted war or killing of Jews or other people who refused to believe in Jesus The Truth.

Many of these false followers exploited The Truth in order to gain power or wealth.  They pretended to follow The Truth, and even became leaders of some groups within the religion called Christianity.

The Bible says all who deny that Jesus came as a real person, in flesh, are anti-christs.  They claim to follow Him but are not really doing so, because they’re trying to use the name and power of Jesus only to build up their own popularity or power.  But they don’t believe in following His teachings, and don’t believe He really lived as a person, died for our salvation, and rose from death to allow us to live forever.

Not every church with a Christian name teaches it’s members to believe in The Truth.  But many true churches do…

The Bible says “many live as enemies of the Cross.  Their god is their fleshly desires… their minds are set on earthly things.” (Philippians 3:19)

Humanity’s Real Enemy

It is Truth versus Relativism. Light versus Darkness. Generosity versus Greed. Mercy versus Unforgiveness. Grace versus Legalism. Love versus Fear.

The presence of God known as the Son of God is a threat to the presence of evil known as the devil. People without Truth can live under the influence of the devil.

People without Truth can easily disregard the value of other humans in order to satisfy their selfish needs.

This is what causes people to abuse other people. The devil comes only to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).

Jesus Christ came to GIVE life abundant.

This is one organization sharing The Truth in order to help people who are suffering around the world…