Are you willing to uncover the SECRET things hurting your children?

There is a thief following your children.  He wants to steal their identity, destiny and purpose.  And this thief uses siblings to do his dirty work.

Where are your children getting their identity? If there is any question in their hearts, they can be susceptible to the lies of the identity thief.

Jesus said, “if you remain in my words, you’ll know the truth and the truth will make you free.” Apart from His words, your children will not see clearly who they are, who they were created to be.

Without this truth, they will be used by the enemy of their souls to try to steal, kill, and destroy their siblings… or have their identity stolen, killed and destroyed by seeing themselves through their siblings’ wrong perspective.

When they know what God says about them, there is no unknown.


Its all about the motive of the heart!


If you could do ONE thing to benefit your child for a lifetime, would you be willing?