If you could do ONE thing to benefit your child for a lifetime, would you be willing?

Before they can succeed in a good school, before they can have good friends, before they can settle into a great career, your child needs positive relationships with their siblings.

It’s nearly impossible for any family to have truly great relationships among every sibling due to generational seed. 

To avoid the behavioral pitfalls of lost human identity, every child needs a new seed. This seed comes from the original source of love, who is God.

Love is defined by God. If God is love, then we can only know love by knowing God.

Sibling abuse is common in privileged families, impoverished families, and every family in between. Every family carries humanity’s fallen seed.

The seed of sibling bullying, victimization, or aggression always exploits the easiest target. It’s how the devil targeted the innocence of our first parents.

The devil seeded rejection into humanity, so that humanity would voluntarily reject God and His free gift of love and godliness (god-likeness).

A younger, weaker, or less popular sibling who has less position within the family structure usually takes the brunt of rejection.

The result is an inability for the rejected sibling to trust anyone, especially the people closest to them.

The one sure solution to sibling bullying and rejection is offering your children the gift of being reborn into God’s family with a brand new heart-seed.

This new seed causes every child to see themselves as ACCEPTED by God… which allows them to freely accept His love…

…and become a source of love (rather than rejection) toward their siblings.


Are you willing to uncover the SECRET things hurting your children?