Elizabeth Rose Rosinski, Sibling Abuse Forever Ended’s founding Executive Director, is a survivor of “hidden” sibling abuse. She has also observed and experienced the effects of generational domestic violence and the effects of generational sibling abuse in her extended family.

She is a former highly successful inner-city school teacher, accredited Illinois Board of Education professional development workshop provider and presenter at the Illinois State-Wide No Child Left Behind teacher conference on “How to get Extraordinary Results from your ‘average’ students”. 

Her talks, workshops and action guides for socio-economically under-served students and parents covered topics including financial literacy, college scholarships, leadership and volunteer service, in order to prove there is no such a thing as an “average” child.  She also produced and hosted a bi-weekly motivational live talk radio show broadcast throughout the southern-metro Chicago area.

Elizabeth utilizes her 20+ years of experience in education, media and communications as the staff leader of Sibling Abuse Forever Ended.