The first crime of humanity

When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they no longer knew only good. Suddenly, distrust of God entered their consciousness.

They had a perfect world but gave the keys of their kingdom away to God’s enemy who only wants to steal, kill, and destroy.

Distrust of God’s goodness became the seed of all sin. It births a desire in every person to try to deny or cover their mistakes. It tries to prevent us from turning toward God’s goodness once again if we’ve made a mistake. Adam blamed Eve for eating the fruit. Eve blamed the serpent. No one took responsibility and repented of their mistake.

This helps to explain why 90% of sibling aggression is denied by the perpetrator. It also explains why 90% of siblings confronted by their aggressive behavior fail to express remorse for their actions.

The sin of eating the forbidden fruit and ingesting the seed of God’s enemy drives aggressive children’s “steal, kill, destroy” mentality. Every child has been tethered to the fallen human nature. That seed is passed to every person born into this world.

The human against human crime was through Adam’s son Cain. He manipulated his younger brother into isolation… suggesting “Let’s go out to the field.”

Innocent, naive and suggestible, Abel followed his older brother out to the field. Premeditated, Cain slaughtered his younger brother. And sibling abuse was born.


How do you make your child be good?