Is your child secure in their god-given identity?

There is one identity. As sons and daughters of God. Apostle John shares in his Gospel when we believe and receive, God gives us power to become children of God, no longer born of our earthly parents—the parents we were born from the first time—but born anew of God. (John 1:12,13)

Sibling abuse erases identity. It steals your worth, your value and your dignity. It tells you lies, trying to devalue your humanity. You will be told repeatedly, “You don’t belong.” The message is clear. You’re not one of us. You’re not really part of this family. You are fundamentally worthless. The message is about rejection.

But the message of the Gospel is about acceptance into God’s family. When we repent (turn from our sinful selfish nature) and put all our trust in Jesus’ desire to gift us a brand new identity, we are adopted into a new kingdom.

We now have a new Father; one who does not just “love” us intellectually but one whose love we can receive. We are given a new birth, a new Spirit called Holy, God’s Holy Spirit, and the Apostle Paul shares in his letter to the Roman church, the Holy Spirit takes the love of the Father and pours it into our hearts (see Romans 5).

We become transformed by the renewing of our minds to this eternal truth.

You will never be rejected again, because you are loved by the one who Created you.


How do you make your child be good?


Someone wants to heal you… and give you a new identity