a true thanksgiving meal

Eucharist is the “Thank you God!” for the gift of His righteousness… the greatest gift… a gift of immense value… a gift which allows you to carry the glory of Himself inside you.  

His righteousness gives you intimate access to His Very Own previously untouchable power. And He paid the full price to give you this gift.

Not just for you to have from Mass to Mass to Mass… or confession to confession to confession. 

Not for you to be “good” then “bad” then “good” then “bad”. But a Gift that once for all, all the time, forever makes you His righteous child when you stay thankful for it. 

Justification (His righteousness) has been merited for you by the Passion of Christ.  It is granted you through Baptism.  It conforms you to the righteousness of GOD.”

(Catechism 2020)


CAn you receive a gift?


Why not just say “yes”?