practice praying in thanksgiving

Father, thank You for the gift of my life.  Before the foundation of the world You knew me, You loved me, and You wanted me. 

Thank You that my life has value, meaning, purpose and destiny in YOUR eyes through Your Son Jesus. 

Thank You for the gift of Your Son who died for me.  Thank You for loving me as your child!  I gladly say yes to You!  I gladly say yes to Your Gift! 

Thank You Father for opening the Gate of Righteousness through Jesus.  Thank You for sending Jeus to give me His righteousness, so I can enter through Him into to Your heart of infinite love! 

Thank You Father for keeping the door open to the free gift of Your love and forgiveness.  You gave Your Son because You want it no other way!  And I am forever grateful!  

Today I praise you in thanksgiving for the gift of Your righteousness.  Thank You that Your gift makes me ONE with You and ONE with all Your children.  Thank You that I never will be separated from You! 

Thank You that you want to use my life to proclaim Your Goodness so others can enter into the same destiny You call me into. 

Lord Jesus, You said You are the gate.  You open yourself and bid me to enter into You!  Thank you for keeping me safe IN YOU!  Thank You for NOW MAKING ME RIGHTEOUS! 

Thank You Lord, for giving me a fresh revelation of Your constant presence in my life… and how Your beautiful unending EUCHARIST can live inside me every moment.  For truly I am thankful!  Thank You for giving me the ability to see and carry an offering of thanks everywhere I go, in Jesus’ name!  Amen.


Why not just say “yes”?